Was Dropping the Atomic Bombs a Crime Against Humanity?
"We Shouldn't Have Dropped the Atomic Bombs."; Former U.S. President Truman Makes a Candid Apology.

Was the dropping of the atomic bombs ethically permissible or not? A public spiritual message from Master Ryuho Okawa, the CEO and founder of Happy Science, shed light on the ethical controversy concerning World War II, a debate that continues to this day. Former U.S. President Truman was the man who decided to drop the atomic bombs on Japan. Former U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt was the one who launched the Manhattan Project to develop the A-bomb in the first place.

In this shocking spiritual message, the spirits of both former presidents truthfully speak about WWII. It offers important lessons for reconsidering the Japanese and American historical viewpoints as well as for jointly creating world peace.

Giving a Fresh Look at Modern History in Order to Create Strong U.S. – Japan Relations That Will Foster World Peace.

In the United States, students learn at school: one million American soldiers would have died without the use of the atomic bombs. The war against Japan was a victory for freedom and democracy, which justified the use of the atomic bombs.

However, did this explanation really justify the use of the atomic bombs? Right before the atomic bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the U.S. had conducted indiscriminate bombings on more than 200 Japanese cities, and it had already claimed the lives of 330,000 civilians, even though Japan had already communicated via the Soviet Union its intention to surrender and the end of war was just a matter of time. Even U.S. Generals MacArthur and Eisenhower opposed the idea of using the atomic bombs, and they claimed there was no military benefit.

Furthermore, why did the U.S. target Japan first? In a spiritual message, former President Truman said, “I dropped two atomic bombs as an ‘experiment,’” which ended up claiming the lives of as many as 200,000 civilians. His spirit indicated that since he did not consider the Japanese were human beings, his actions did not constitute war crimes.

In his comments, one can see that there was racism based on the idea of white supremacy. One of the causes of the war that Japan fought for was “liberating Asia from Western colonialism and abolishing racial discrimination.” Before the East Asian War, the world had only 69 independent countries, but now there are nearly 200. Although Japan lost the war, the liberation of colonies and the abolishment of racial discrimination were successfully realized.

In the U.S., the war between America and Japan has been explained as “a war to overthrow Japanese fascism.” But that is not actually true. As you can see from the excerpts of the chief editor’s column“,

“Japan was forced to fight a “war of self-defence” against looming white supremacist colonial rule and communist expansion.
After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan and America came into direct conflict over their interests on the continent of China. In the Second Sino-Japanese War from 1937, America supported the Kuomintang and in actuality entered a “war by proxy” against Japan. Japan was driven into a corner by such things as the post-Great Depression change to bloc economies, the formation of the anti-Japanese ABCD encirclement, and American oil embargoes, and this led to the outbreak of war between Japan and the U.S. in 1941.”

In the United States, some media labels Mr. Abe as “a right-wing nationalist”. Reporters criticize his revisionist views, and discuss the outrage in China as well as South Korea.

However, in order to stop China’s hegemonic ambitions, the U.S. now stands at a crossroad. Will it accept a strong Japan or not?

While the winners always write history, that type of perception of history does not necessarily satisfy the standards of God’s justice.

Through series upon series of spiritual messages, Master Okawa has revealed justice throughout world history by discovering where great past figures are now, and what they have been doing since their deaths.

In order to create truly constructive U.S. – Japanese relations that will serve to create world peace, we see it is necessary to re-examine history up until the Second World War with a fresh perspective. The spiritual messages from Truman show a way to overcome the past conflict between the U.S. and Japan, and give us the opportunity to create strong relations that will serve for the realization of world peace.

Extracts from this public, spiritual message follow (note 1).

Note 1: These spiritual messages were channelled through Ryuho Okawa. However, please note that because of his high level of enlightenment, his way of receiving spiritual messages is fundamentally different from other psychic mediums who undergo trances and are completely taken over by the spirits they are channeling.

Each human soul is made up of six soul siblings, one of whom acts as the guardian spirit of the person living on earth. People living on earth are connected to their guardian spirits at the innermost subconscious level. They are a part of people’s very souls, and therefore, exact reflections of their thoughts and philosophies.

However, please note that these spiritual messages are opinions of the individual spirits and may contradict the ideas or teachings of the Happy Science Group.

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Answers to questions on spiritual messages part 1

Answers to questions on spiritual messages part 2


Let’s Explore Who Is “Responsible for Dropping the A-bombs”!

Today’s theme is whether the atomic bombings were a crime against humanity. No one has ever investigated this subject, and there may well be no moralist, religious leader, or thinker with the responsibility enough to answer this question.

After the A-bombs were dropped, I believe that Einstein and many other scientists who were involved in building the atomic bombs threw themselves into the peace movement. The scientists, who actually built the bomb, became opposed to it, because its use generated political problems.

Harry S. Truman gave the order to drop the A-bombs. He was the vice-president who succeeded to the presidency when Franklin Roosevelt died in April, 1945. I’d first like to clarify the issue of whether he bears some form of responsibility for actually ordering the attacks, and whether his actions were wrong.

However, I think that the droppings of the A-bombs were actually decided during the time of Franklin Roosevelt. Therefore, an assessment of Roosevelt is necessary for this underlying issue. It would seem that he fundamentally created the direction for post-WWII American history and the new world order.

That should be effective, but as someone who likes to inspect history, I feel obliged to check whether America’s actions were “fair”.


Was the Last World War One Between “Gods” and “Demons”?

In the final count, Japan was defeated in the war, but was it a war between “gods” and “demons” as the West likes to portray? To put this gently, was it a battle between “democracy” and “fascism”? In other words, was it a conflict between “the West” and “the Fascist Axis of Japan, Germany, and Italy”?

It’s true to say that this is the approach often taken in the field of political science in the U.S., and people who have studied in the U.S. would probably have come across it. I don’t think anyone other then me has the ability to reveal the truth any more, but it does have tremendous, historical importance.


Master Okawa Summons the Spirit of the Former U.S. President Harry S. Truman.

I’ll try to invite Truman here.

At present, he’s the last U.S. president to have graduated from high school only. He must have been a very able man. He apparently had a long life, because he lived until the age of 88.

So, let’s hear his story.

Oh, President Harry S. Truman, issuer of the order to drop the atomic bombs as 33rd President of the United States, please come down to the Hall of Great Awakening. Tell us the true significance of the war!

We’ve already investigated the Japanese side, and now I ask you to tell us about the American point of view and circumstances.

Oh spirit of Harry S. Truman, please come down to the Hall of Great Awakening, and tell us your opinions concerning the situation at the end of the war.

(A silence of about 20 seconds)


Truman Apologized, “They Shouldn’t Have Been Dropped.”

- Are you Harry Truman, the 33rd President of the United States?

Truman: (Sighs deeply) Ah…. What did I do? I did something unforgivable.

- What did you say just now?

Truman: You’re asking me about the A-bomb, aren’t you?

- Yes.

Truman: They should have never been used.

- You shouldn’t have dropped them? Did you realize that after you died?

Truman: Well, yes, I guess so. Mind you, I had a long life, and I gradually came to see it that way as the relationship between Japan and the U.S. improved after the war and we became friends.

During the war, I regarded Japan as a hateful enemy, and I was ready to use anything to defeat Japan. I lived a long life after the war, and when I returned to the Real World, I felt strongly that there might not have been any reason to use them after all.

As Soon As Atomic Bombs Came Into Existence, Japan Was the Target.

- Can you tell us the reason you ordered nuclear attacks when you were the American President?

Truman: Well, they’d been developed. Discussions about the actual use of the atomic weapons started even before the Japan-U.S. war began. In fact, ‘research’ got underway about 20 years before I dropped them, and I knew for a long time that scientists could theoretically develop them. When I was looking at how much longer it would take to complete them, the tests were finally successful.

I wanted to try the bombs in actual warfare, but of course, I couldn’t bear to use them in Europe since Germany and Italy were Christian countries like America.

Even though Hitler existed, it was still a Christian Protestant country. Therefore, I allowed the Soviet Union to invade, and we ultimately won the land war. I was unable to use the weapons there. In fact, they could have been dropped.

Berlin was practically in ruins from the air raids, but of course, it was easier to drop the bombs on Japan, which was not a Christian country. Maybe I should say that it was easier to win over public opinion for my decision.

- Chronologically speaking, Germany surrendered in May of 1945, and, to be precise, Trinity (mankind’s first nuclear test) was successfully staged in New Mexico on July 16th.

Truman: That’s right.

- It means the final A-bomb test was not completed before Germany’s surrender. For argument’s sake, would you have hesitated to use the A-bomb had Germany’s surrender been delayed?

Truman: I probably wouldn’t have used it. It wasn’t in the original plan, you see. The target was Japan right from the very start.

- Why was the bombing of Japan with a nuclear weapon your goal?

Truman: Because, after all, the American people couldn’t understand the Japanese. Before the war, many people were even calling for Japanese immigrants to be expelled.

As well as that, from the American point of view, that tiny country had entered Manchuria, occupied Mainland China, and invaded a succession of Asian countries that European countries had previously colonized. Japan had beaten Britain, France, and the Netherlands, and it was establishing a string of Japanese colonies. Well, as far as the people of America were concerned, despite the fact that my next remark might seem rather rude and insulting to the people of Japan, we felt as if there was no way we could let you Japs get away with it.

Truman Continues to Talk About the “Japanese Menace”.

- I believe that Japan didn’t attack civilians.

Truman: Um, well…

- However, America planned indiscriminate slaughters, such as the Great Tokyo Air Raid, right from the start, didn’t it? What were your opinions at the time?

Truman: It would be true to say that I regarded Japan as a totalitarian state. In terms of Japan, a totalitarian state meant that the Emperor alone was the “queen bee” or “queen ant”, and everyone else was in the same position as a “worker bee” or “soldier ant”. To me, all Japanese shared the same values, whether they were military or civilians. I regarded Japan as a kind of totalitarian state.

I Dropped Two A-bombs as an “Experiment”.

- Why did you use two bombs?

Truman: Well, it was to test two slightly different kinds of incendiaries.

- As an experiment?

Truman: Uh-huh. The Nagasaki and Hiroshima versions were slightly different types of the same bomb. We checked to see how much offensive power each of them had.

Truman Didn’t Want to Accept the Japanese as Being Equal Members of the Human Race

- There was that side of it, but even so, I can’t imagine that you could justify the slaughter of around 350,000 Japanese in two bombings. I wonder whether your racist views influenced your use of the nuclear weapons.

- You were aware that the Japanese were suing for peace after the Tojo government collapsed, weren’t you?

Truman: Hmm, well…

- How do you define a crime against humanity?

Truman: Um, well, you see…

- What would you say is a crime against peace?

Truman: That’s what it would have been had I accepted the Japanese as being equal members of human race. During the war, I didn’t recognize the Japanese as being equivalent to other human beings the way that Caucasians were.

“The Nanking Massacre” Was Necessary to Balance “America’s Actions”.

- Class A war criminals are “guilty of killing many people”, aren’t they?

Truman: Hmm.

- The fabrication of the Nanking Massacre…

Truman: That was the hardest thing about the time when the war ended. America’s actions could have been labelled in a damaging way. We had to balance it out like that. We would have been in trouble unless the Japanese were seen as even more vicious than us.

America Boosted Its Fighting Spirit Through a Campaign to “Dehumanize the Japanese”.

- What do you think about the people who died in the atomic bombings? About the feelings of those who were burnt to death?

Truman: We aimed to boost our fighting spirit during the war. In America, we enthusiastically waged a campaign to convince people that the Japanese were inhuman.

The Democrats are a political party that emphasizes human rights, but there wasn’t the same doctrine of human rights as there is now. When it comes to American “human rights”, Lincoln said, “All men are created equal.” However, the word “men” referred white men; it didn’t include blacks or women.

The liberation movements for blacks and women occurred in the 1960s, which was after I exploded the atomic bombs. From the perspective of those prejudicial times, it’d be true to admit that I didn’t see the Japanese in any regard as similar to us.

Was It Really Fascism Versus Democracy?

- It’s just that, looking back now, doesn’t it seem at least like there was a clear distinction along the lines of fascism and democracy?

Truman: We, Americans, created that idea to justify our actions.

There Is Some Truth in “the Greater East Asian War to Release European Karma”.

- Then, can you clearly state whether Japan’s war was right or wrong?

Truman: Um, I don’t know. If you say the Great Depression that started in the US caused it, I couldn’t say that I didn’t share some responsibility.

Japan certainly used the words “the Greater East Asian War” as an act to release the karma that Europe had accumulated in the centuries since the Age of Discovery, and I think in fact there’s some truth to it.

The Tokyo Trials, in Which “the Victorious Nations Judged the Defeated” Were Not Without Fear or Favor.

- Did the International Military Tribunal for the Far East really provide a fair trial? What was your opinion, Mr. Truman?

Truman: Well, it was obviously not fair, because the victors judged the losers. That’s why the United Nations itself isn’t neutral since the countries that won the war created the U.N. It’s an organization created to keep the losers permanently contained.

- I see.

Truman: It’s an organization created after the war for the systems of the victorious nations to continue, and the U.N. isn’t even-handed.

Just as individuals have wants, as fellow citizens, we want to protect our own interests in order to maintain our advantage.

Thinking about it now, from the American point of view, I really didn’t want to include the Soviet Union and Communist China as permanent members in the Security Council. To be perfectly frank, it’s a bit of a shame they were as it would have been a much better set-up if they weren’t.

To be perfectly honest, if it were today, I would have wanted to include Japan and Germany instead of Russia and Communist China.

The Imposition of the Pacifist Constitution Was the Same As “the Subjugation of the Indians”.

- This is a question about the Japanese Constitution, and of course, the issue of Article 9.

Truman: Uh-huh.

- The Japanese Constitution was drafted in your day. And in that constitution Article 9 stipulates that the Japanese people forever renounce war and will not maintain war potential. What was your thinking on this issue at the time, Mr. Truman?

In addition, with the extension of China’s current hegemony, please give us your opinion on today’s international situation.

Truman: Well, it’s a really lousy constitution. America recognized its mistake when the Korean War started. America knew that it was a constitution that shouldn’t be imposed upon an independent country, and we abandoned it. However, the Japanese clung to it, you know.

It was awful matter, which we handled exactly in the same manner as the way we treated the Native Americans. We overcame them with our cavalry, and then we disarmed them. Article 9 should never have been imposed had we recognized Japan’s sanctity as a sovereign state.

- Are you saying that “war potential will never be maintained”, having been written into the Constitution, is in itself strange?

Truman: The Japanese have probably been brainwashed by it, haven’t they? Doesn’t it mean that they’ve vowed to be annihilated rather than to have an army and to kill foreign nationals? How do you interpret it?

- Mr. Truman, it’s no exaggeration to state that you decided the Japanese should be brainwashed.

Truman: Me… Was it me? Well, I don’t remember, but anyway, I only kept that opinion for five years. When the Korean War began, I already changed my mind. I did previously believe that Japan was a bad country. However, when I actually started interacting with the Japanese after the war, I saw first-hand that they were actually a rather advanced society and had long enjoyed a splendid culture. None of us in America knew that democracy had existed in pre-war Japan.

- I see.

Truman: Americans didn’t really know about the Taisho period democracy or the greatness of the Meiji Restoration. We weren’t aware that Japan was a country with a history.

A Tearful Truman Utters Words of Self-Reflection.

- Well, this is my last question. Today, when politicians in Japan pay their respects at Yasukuni Shrine, other countries criticize them. What do you think about the people who fought in such wars?

Truman: They should pay their respects there. Hmm. Of course, they should. Nationality is not an issue in this business. Whatever enemies they fought against, they were people who didn’t fight out of self-interest; they were people who fought to defend, and died for their country. It’s only natural that their successors should pray for them.

- There’s a way of looking at it in the media that says, “Class A war criminals have been enshrined there, and people mustn’t go and pay their respects”.

Truman: That’s wrong, isn’t it? I think that’s mistaken. If we’d been defeated, Americans would find it unforgivable if other countries were to tell them, “You mustn’t pay your respects.” From the perspective of human equality, people shouldn’t say that. I think they’re incorrect to comment on it.

Now, when I impartially look back on the military history of the world, I think that the Japanese army was truly excellent.

I’m sorry (suddenly bursting into tears).

The people of this tiny country with no natural resources really put up a brave fight… Excuse me. I really feel so sorry for them.

Even though they had no natural resources…I’d like you to ask Roosevelt about that. Anyway, they kept on fighting even though the oil, coal, and iron ore supplies had been cut off. I feel so sorry for them. Oh, they really put up a brave fight.

People must forgive the Japanese soldiers. They really tried hard. Oh, the poor things. I really feel so sorry for them. I have to reflect upon it now, I think. I’m sorry.

The president, who’s currently in office, probably can’t make an apology. As the person responsible for the atomic bombings, I must state that I would have probably started a war, too, had I been in Tojo’s position. I would have certainly waged war. Oh….. I am very sorry…

- President Truman, thank you very much for coming here today.

Truman: Uh-huh.

Master Okawa (to Truman): Thank you very much.

Ah…He seems to be suffering rather a lot, doesn’t he?

- Yes, he does.

Master Okawa: He may almost never be able to forget that he’s the person who’s ultimately responsible for the atomic bombings.

- I think that’s the way of it.

Master Okawa: He might not be able to forget even after a thousand years because there are people who hate him, aren’t there?

In Truman’s public, spiritual message, new truths also emerged along the following lines:


  • America’s true thoughts about colonial emancipation.
  • Why the Great Tokyo Air Raid was carried out.
  • How MacArthur regarded the Emperor.
  • The reason why Roosevelt urged the Soviet Union to join the war against Japan.
  • The effect that the war with Japan had on the American economy.
  • American policies for carrying out wars.
  • The world in which Truman found himself after death.
  • What Truman thinks should be done to curb the Chinese hegemony.
  • Why atomic bombs were not used in the Korean War.
  • Truman’s suspicions when the Korean War started.
  • Whether President Obama wishes to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Why Truman considers Lincoln to be a great man.
  • Whether America, which has killed a huge number of civilians, is truly a just country.

The Latest Book by Ryuho Okawa“Spiritual Interview Series”:

Was Dropping the Atomic Bombs a Crime Against Humanity?
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